URBAN ART OR MINDLESS VANDALISM? - page 57- blast (DESTROY) : verb 1 [I or T] to explode or destroy something or someone with explosives, or to break through or hit something with a similar, very strong force
- brushstroke: the way in which something, especially paint, is put on to a surface with a brush
- carve: (v) to make something by cutting into especially wood or stone, or to cut into the surface of stone, wood, etc
- convey: to express a thought, feeling or idea so that it is understood by other people
- council: a group of people elected or chosen to make decisions or give advice on a particular subject, to represent a particular group of people, or to run a particular organization
- disrupt: (v) to prevent something, especially a system, process or event, from continuing as usual or as expected
- drainpipe: a pipe that carries waste water or
sewage away from buildings
- elbow grease noun [U] INFORMAL: a lot of physical effort
- enliven: to make something more interesting
- epic: describes events that happen over a long period and involve a lot of action and difficulty
- escalate: to make or become greater or more serious
- etch: to cut a pattern, picture, etc. into a smooth surface, especially on metal or glass, using acid or sometimes a sharp instrument
- mainstream: (n) the way of life or set of beliefs accepted by most people
- mortar (MIXTURE): noun [U]a mixture of sand, water and cement or lime that is used to fix bricks or stones to each other when building walls
- shift: to get rid of something unwanted, or to sell something
- unwitting: adjective [before noun] FORMALwithout knowing or planning
- wipe: to slide something, especially a piece of cloth, over the surface of something else, in order to remove dirt, food or liquid
PAGE 58- withdraw: verb withdrew, withdrawn 1 [I or T] to take or move out or back, or to remove
PHRASAL VERBS - PAGE 59- bring sb round (PERSUADE): phrasal verb (US USUALLY bring sb around) to persuade someone to have the same opinion as you have
- come across sth (FIND): phrasal verb - to find something by chance
- get sth out of sth (ENJOY) : phrasal verb - to enjoy something or think something is useful
- go about sth: phrasal verb - to begin to do something or deal with something
- go off sb/sth (STOP LIKING): phrasal verbto - stop liking or being interested in someone or something
- seek sb/sth out (sought, sought): phrasal verb [M] FORMAL - to look for someone or something, especially for a long time until you find them
- set about sth (START TO DO): phrasal verb - to start to do or deal with something
- think sth up: phrasal verb - to produce a new idea or plan
- turn sb on (EXCITE): phrasal verb - INFORMALto interest or excite you, especially sexually
- wear (sth) away: phrasal verb [M] to become thin and disappear after repeated use or rubbing, or to cause something to become thin and disappear in this way
LISTENING - PAGE 60- backwater: noun [C] 1 a part of a river where the water does not flow: We tied the boat up in a quiet backwater overnight. 2 DISAPPROVING a place which is not influenced by new ideas or events that happen in other places, and which does not change: He grew up in a rural backwater
- clad: adjective LITERARY (of people) dressed, or (of things) covered
- gloom (DARKNESS): noun [U] when it is nearly dark and difficult to see well
- head for sth: phrasal verb - to be likely to experience a bad situation soon, because of your own actions or behaviour
- knock-on effect: noun [C usually singular] MAINLY UK When an event or situation has a knock-on effect, it indirectly causes other events or situations
- run-down (CONDITION): adjective 1- describes buildings or areas that are in very bad condition
- sheer (COMPLETE) : adjective [before noun] used to emphasize how very great, important or powerful a quality or feeling is; nothing except