a goat
I- Multiple matching:
- come up with sth: phrasal verb to suggest or think of an idea or plan: She's come up with some amazing scheme to double her income.
- come up with sth: phrasal verb to suggest or think of an idea or plan: She's come up with some amazing scheme to double her income.
- drawback: disadvantage.
- garbled: adjective If words or messages are garbled, they are not clear and are very difficult to understand, often giving a false idea of the facts: He left a rather garbled message on my answerphone.
- give chase: to go after a criminal quickly in order to catch them.
- overhear: verb [I or T] overheard, overheard to hear what other people are saying unintentionally and without their knowledge: I overheard a very funny conversation on the bus this morning.[+ object + ing form of verb] He overheard his daughter telling her teddy not to be so naughty.[+ object + infinitive without to] We overheard them say that they didn't really like the meal.I'm sorry, I couldn't help overhearing.
- overhear: verb [I or T] overheard, overheard to hear what other people are saying unintentionally and without their knowledge: I overheard a very funny conversation on the bus this morning.[+ object + ing form of verb] He overheard his daughter telling her teddy not to be so naughty.[+ object + infinitive without to] We overheard them say that they didn't really like the meal.I'm sorry, I couldn't help overhearing.
- garbled: adjective - If words or messages are garbled, they are not clear and are very difficult to understand, often giving a false idea of the facts: He left a rather garbled message on my answerphone.
- 'vicar: noun [C]- a priest in the Church of England who is in charge of a church and the religious needs of people in a particular area: We were married by our local vicar. [as form of address] Good evening, Vicar!
II- Who said that?
- start sb off: phrasal verb 1- to help someone to start an activity, especially a piece of work: I'll start her off on some fairly basic stuff and see how she gets on. 2- to make someone start to laugh, cry, or talk about something that they often talk about: I could see Emma trying not to laugh and of course that started me off.
- ecstasy (EMOTION): noun [C or U] a state of extreme happiness, especially when feeling pleasure: sexual ecstasyShe threw her head back as if in ecstasy.
- ecstatic: adjective extremely happy: The new president was greeted by an ecstatic crowd.
- ecstatically (adv)
- frown: verb [I] to bring your eyebrows together so that there are lines on your face above your eyes to show that you are annoyed or worried: She frowned at me, clearly annoyed.He frowned as he read the instructions, as if puzzled.
- giggle: [I] to laugh repeatedly in a quiet but uncontrolled and childish way, often at something silly or rude or when you are nervous: Stop that giggling at the back!
- sob: verb [I] -bb- to cry noisily, taking in deep breaths: I found her sobbing in the bedroom because she'd broken her favourite doll.You're not going to help matters by lying there sobbing!
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