- keep your freckles invisible

- WRINKLE INJECTIONSare used to soften fine lines around the top lip or in the eye area when the heavier dermal fillers are not suitable. Collagen is the most abundant natural protein found in the body. Now through advancements in skin science there is the first FDA Approved injectable wrinkle correction that does not require skin test prior to use.

- A mole means a permanent small dark spot on the human body. Moles are found on many parts of the body and can be black, honey color, red, and sometimes wheatish in color. It is a creation of nature and for many years are used as identification marks. The ancient civilization considered moles as significations of fate and reflection of personality of an individual.

- a chunky boy

- A male, believed to be Malay, between 15 to 20 years of age, plump built, with a tanned complexion. He spots short hair and wore a red short- sleeved round neck t-shirt and dark coloured jeans

- casual

- smart x scruffy (overall look)

- ginger hair

- auburn hair

- mousy brown hair
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