Friday, July 30, 2010

Sweet Memories Garden - Episode #4 - Tatty's Bunny Hollow

Welcome to Tatty's Bunny Hollow Garden,...
It was named Bunny Hollow after one of the stories I'd written about my three youngest and their adventures in Sweet Memories.  You will meet several of my storybook characters in her little garden!

This is the stump where Ol' Grandpappy lives with all the other rabbits in Bunny Hollow

Mr. Gus is a grumpy but funny mole that tries to avoid my little girls,
 but seems to always peek out when they're looking.

On one of their journey's to Bunny Hollow, my girls meet Mrs. Myrtle Turtle.  She is on her way to the Bunny Hollow birthday party but is so slow she will be late, 
so the girls put her in their basket and give her a ride to the party.

In this photo you can see Mrs. Myrtle Turtle resting from her bumpy journey in the basket.  Also there are 2 chipmunks that just happened by, and if you look up  in the stump you can see Figaro and one of his sisters.  They are naughty little sparrows that belong to Toot and Flute.

Some of my favorite stories to read to my children are by Beatrix Potter. 
 If you look closely, you can see the hedgehog, Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle, 
a delightful character from one of her stories!

This is a birdhouse that my brother made for me several years ago.  It sits a-top the stump in Bunny Hollow.

Thanks for stopping by Bunny Hollow and meeting all our little friends.  Tatty loves her garden.  
She planted sweet violets in it because she knew they were one of my favorite flowers!

Next week we will visit Busters Garden...this is a totally little boy garden.  Hope to see you there!

If you are interested in reading other posts about our Sweet Memories Garden, scroll up until you get to 'Sweet Memories, A Children's Garden'. on the LEFT side bar!

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Sweet Memories Garden Episode #3 - Bogie's Brigadoon

(The pictures turned out a bit fuzzy, sorry about that.)

Bogie used to like the movie Brigadoon.  That is why he called his garden spot Brigadoon.
We made the toadstools out of old metal bowls that my sister was getting rid of.  
First we spray painted them red, then hand painted the white dots on with acrylic paint, 
and finished them off with a coat of sealer.  We then planted cedar posts in the 
ground and secured the bowls on top with a screw! 

The Tic-Tac-Toe table was a fun addition!  
We used Gnomes and frogs for the  playing pieces!  
There is also a pipe in the ground next to the table to hold a large umbrella for shade!
The toadstools on each side are for sitting on while playing!

This gnome used to belong to my mother.  
When my parents passed away, it came to me.  
Bogies garden includes a spot in a corner next to the house, 
so we put our new gnome here!
Brigadoon is a very low-maintenance garden.  with artificial tarp covering the ground,
 there is no watering and very little weeding!

Hope you enjoyed Bogie's Brigadoon Garden Spot!  Next week we'll visit Tatty's Bunny Hollow!  Hope to see you there :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

"Mom, Please Let Me Drive!"

A Russell Motor Car Company automobile.Image via Wikipedia

Since the beginning of time, or a least since the invention of the motor car, kids have been itching to get behind the wheel.  Our kids have been no different.  More often than not it's on Sunday's when we hear, "Please can I drive?" from our to-young-to-drive kids.

Sunday, as we were in the church parking lot , CL and I passed a mini van full of kids, the mom was outside the drivers door and her 14 year old son was in the drivers seat pleading..."Please Mom, can I drive home?  
I know how.  I'll be careful."
CL and I looked at each other and laughed!  We'd heard that same phrase from our own kids at least a zillion times through the years.  And yet, who should be waiting in the drivers seat when we got to our van?  You guessed it, JOKA (our 14 year old daughter).  And what was the first thing out of her mouth?...You guessed it!...CL and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes.

Several years ago when Bogie was about 10 years old we accidentally left him home from church.  Our oldest daughter, Dot, had an old clunker car that didn't need a key to start.  Bogie knew this and decided he would just drive himself to church.  He hopped into the car, turned on the starter and attempted to back out of the driveway.  CRASH!  Right into the telephone pole.  He was so scared he decided he'd better just walk to church.

Do you have any funny driving stories?  I'd love to hear them!

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Friday, July 2, 2010

Sweet Memories Garden - Episode 1 - The Oriental Garden

This garden is shared by Lulu and Beaver. They both participated in martial arts and this garden was designed after their interest in the orient.  It is a peaceful garden to come and meditate.

Located next to Chips pond, the sound of trickling water, coupled with a beautiful sunset makes this garden the perfect place to end the day.

The orange woodchips give a delightful contrast to the blue-green hue of the
snow-on-the-mountain ground cover.  When the orange daylilies bloom it is lovely!

This garden is easy to maintain, just a bit of weeding and watering!
Very kid friendly!

The kids wanted a peach tree so they could sit in their garden and eat!!!

Hope you enjoyed the tour of Lulu and Beavers 'Oriental Garden'
Next week well tour Chips Pond!  Hope to see you here!