Since the beginning of time, or a least since the invention of the motor car, kids have been itching to get behind the wheel. Our kids have been no different. More often than not it's on Sunday's when we hear, "Please can I drive?" from our to-young-to-drive kids.
Sunday, as we were in the church parking lot , CL and I passed a mini van full of kids, the mom was outside the drivers door and her 14 year old son was in the drivers seat pleading..."Please Mom, can I drive home?
I know how. I'll be careful."
CL and I looked at each other and laughed! We'd heard that same phrase from our own kids at least a zillion times through the years. And yet, who should be waiting in the drivers seat when we got to our van? You guessed it, JOKA (our 14 year old daughter). And what was the first thing out of her mouth?...You guessed it!...CL and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes.
Several years ago when Bogie was about 10 years old we accidentally left him home from church. Our oldest daughter, Dot, had an old clunker car that didn't need a key to start. Bogie knew this and decided he would just drive himself to church. He hopped into the car, turned on the starter and attempted to back out of the driveway. CRASH! Right into the telephone pole. He was so scared he decided he'd better just walk to church.
Do you have any funny driving stories? I'd love to hear them!
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