Friday, August 27, 2010

Episode #8 - Rosebuds Heritage Rose Garden

In Rosebuds Heritage Rose garden there is a 
rose bush for each of our children.  
Each rose bush represents each child in a unique way.
I missed most of the roses while they were blooming...but you can get the general idea!

She has simplicity roses, English roses, 
tea roses, and climbing roses!

It's quit a sentimental garden...when I see it, I think of my 11 children and how unique and beautiful each one is....hence the subtitle for my blog...Raising kids is a lot like weeding the rose bed...well worth it, but...OUCH!


Friday, August 20, 2010

Episode #7 - Dot's Cottage Garden

When we were creating our Sweet Memories Garden, 
Dot was going through a Victorian phase. 
 She was enchanted with cottage gardens...thus the 
theme for her garden spot.

The vine covered fence separates Dot's garden 
from the rest of Sweet Memories, making it a secluded spot!

Included in her garden are our friends 
from The Hundred Acre Wood...

Pooh Bear


And the ever timid and sweet Piglet!

This is an enchanting garden spot perfect for 
tea parties and story books!

I hope you enjoyed your visit to Dot's Cottage Garden. 
We'll see you next Friday for another view from 
our Sweet Memories...A Children's Garden

If you're new to my blog you might want to check out the tabs up top to see more of my children's garden spots and to meet my kids!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sweet Memories Garden - Episode #6 - Woody's Arch - A Place for Meditation

Of all the special children's gardens in Sweet Memories, (see tab at the top of my blog for more info.), Woody's Arch is one of the few that I can access with my wheelchair.  When I enter, I feel like I'm entering a secret, special place all of my own!

It has become a place to escape, and meditate on the simpler creations that surround me.  
One day I was sitting here just being quiet and listening.  All of the sudden a movement in the wood chips next to the sidewalk where I was sitting caught my eye.  Something was under there wiggling and squiggling.  I couldn't see what it was so I waited and watched.  Before long a pill bug emerged and went on his merry way.  I soon began seeing all kinds of movement going on under the wood chips...movement that had been there all along but I had never noticed!

Last autumn brought the most beautiful colors to Woody's Arch...Virginia Creeper covers the arch that my father and sons built for me.  This vine is considered by some to be too invasive, but it brings such beauty to our Sweet Memories Garden and becomes the focal point!

As I sat here in the autumn, the sound of trickling water from Chip's Pond and the falling of leaves brought a calming peace and assurance that God is mindful of even me.  He has given me this lovely earth to enjoy and I am surrounded by his creations!  "...all things denote there is a God; yea even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it... (Alma 30:44, Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ).

In the foreground of the above photo, you can see Chip's Pond.  This is a place of constant motion, not only from the fountain, but birds, our cat's, and the dreaded hornets come here to drink.  Chip's Pond is visible from Woody's Arch an I have enjoyed the view...even the hornets, 
which we are infested with, don't seem so threatening!

Below is a view from behind the fence, looking through the arch into Sweet Memories Garden.  
I hope you have enjoyed your visit!  Stop by any time and rest yourself!

The following link will take you to the rest of Our Sweet Memories Garden spots...each one of our children have their own spot that they have designed and maintained!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cute as a Bug in a Rug!

This is my granddaughter Boo...we waited a long time for her!  My daughter, Rosebud, and her husband are unable to have children and finally after a LONG wait they adopted this little angel!

I just came across this amazing story on Big Fat Mama's Blog. 
I hope you take a minute and follow the link to an amazing story!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Sweet Memories Garden - Episode #5 - Busters Corner

Buster designed his flower bed when he was about 4 years old.  The Old Fashioned Purple Lilac provides the shade.  Notice there are no glowers to care for.  If you look closely to the far right, you can see a metal stake with a metal flower...this was the only flower he wanted!

He has several statues... children on a slide, a little boy fishing, and a little boy sitting next to a bird bath.
His little bench and tic-tac-tac toe game are the focal point.

Busters corner is located between Tatty's Bunny Hollow and Bogies Brigadoon. 
 Making all 3 gardens a delightful place for children to play and use their imaginations!

You can see the other children's gardens in the 
Sweet Memories, A Children's Garden tab at the top of my blog!

Next weeks garden post will be on Thursday instead of Friday...come by 
and see my favorite place to meditate and relax...Woodies Arch!

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junk noun: ( RUBBISH ) /dʒʌŋk/ n [U] things that are considered to be of no use or value, or of low quality We ought to clear out this cupboard - it's full of junk.
I can't stand watching the junk that's on TV these days.
offshore: adjective /ˌɒfˈʃɔːr//ˌɑːfˈʃɔːr/ adj (of companies and banks) based in a different country with different tax rules that cost them less money
pop in: informal to go into a place, especially a friend's house, just for a short time If you're passing by you should pop in for a chat some time. [usually + adv/prep]
receipt: noun 1 PAPER [C] a piece of paper that proves that you have received goods or money Could I have a receipt? Remember to keep receipts for any work done.
teller: noun [C] US someone who works in a bank and gives out or takes in money
withdrawal: noun ( TAKING OUT ) /wɪðˈdrɔː.əl//-ˈdrɑː-/ n [C or U] when you take money out of a bank account The bank became suspicious after several large withdrawals were made from his account in a single week.