Thursday, September 23, 2010

Getting Naked and the Birth of the Wagon Wheel

Up until now I have resisted blogging. What the hell would I blog about anyway? Nobody would read it and yikes, talk about online pornography. I don’t want anyone to see me that naked. Just naked, I’ll live. Verbally naked, hell no.

This analogy got me wondering: Was I so afraid/ self-conscious/ shy the first time I ever let someone see me naked?
I think I was 4. My friend had a killer mud puddle in his backyard after it rained and to get in it real good we had to be naked, so we got naked and no, I was not afraid. 25 years later, with no real reason (other than to embrace the freedom of uncensored publishing) I find myself with that same innocently wicked desire to get naked and jump into the mud puddle of cyberspace.

What the hell would I get naked about anyway?
It seems like most bloggers have a theme. A beautiful thing, something to keep them on track. But let’s be realistic. I’ve never been able to narrow anything down to just one passion, one interest, or even one focus of academics. For crying out loud I went to France to study science, now concentrate! Faites-moi confiance!

Life is a wagon wheel. A wheel is a circle and a circle is infinite. Therefore, there are theoretically an infinite number of “spokes” with varying girth to support the outer frame of the wheel from collapsing in on itself while carrying the weight of the wagon. Sure, you only need a few spokes to have a wheel strong enough to hold the weight, but the more spokes you have and the thicker they are, the stronger the wheel and the more weight you can carry with your wagon. Why would you want to carry more weight with your wagon?...Why would you want to live your life?...Follow me?

How do you get thicker spokes?

Knowledge, learning, experiencing anything imaginable as much as you can in a lifetime. Scuba diving is a spoke. The more dives you do and the more classes you take the thicker your scuba spoke gets. Same goes for any passion, hobby, subject,… anyone in all the infinite realities could ever think of. There is the meaning of life! Go make wagon wheels!

And what could better keep me on track than a wheel? So there is my theme. Anything and everything infinitely imaginable (including black holes). 

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